Tuesday, April 14, 2009

One small step...

OK, here is goes. I am now jumping head-first into the blogosphere (did I spell that right?). What has brought me to this point? Long story, but to cut to the chase, as I start my own marketing & communication business, one consistent piece of feedback I have received is start writing... and get it out there for public consumption.

So what am I going to write about?

I'm left asking myself that very question. The simplest way to start would be to write about myself... but isn't that a bit to self-aggrandizing? How about writing about my businesses? Well, I'm no Ron Popeil or Billy Mays (or even the ShamWow guy), so that seems like a bad idea too.

I guess this blog is going to be a work in process. I'm going to write about the things that interest me and, as time goes by, I suspect I will find my voice. Sports, movies, music, television, current events... it's all fair game. And as there are certainly hordes of people out there just waiting to read and comment on what I have to say, I'm sure I will get plenty of feedback and inspiration.

I've got a few things to work on now, but I will be back soon. I leave you with this to hold you over...

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