Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Ugh, I want to make this a daily activity (writing on my blog) so it especially sucks when I can't think of any specific topic to write about.

OK, I can do this. Just take deep breaths. Hey, I got it!

When I was a kid I was a voracious reader. My next door neighbor growing up worked at the Greenwood County Library, so I was constantly going up there to root around through the stacks. I especially remember trying to get my hands on anything that had to do with monsters, dinosaurs and anything that you might see on the old "In Search Of..." TV show.

I've matured in my reading habits since then, well kind of anyway. I still dig a good scary story! But I digress. I had gotten away from reading after I graduated from college. For several years, I'm sorry to say, I didn't even so much as pick up a book. I can't pinpoint why, but it just happened. I finally got back in the habbit about seven or eight years ago and have been reading ever since.

I go in phases as to what I an reading, but for the last year I have been focused primarily on historical nonfiction. I really have enjoyed reading up on early American history. I went from David McCullough's 1776 to If By Sea by George Daughan to now, finally, McCullough's excellent John Adams. It's been a great refresher course on American history. Given the tummult of our current economic and political environment, it's good to have some historical perspective on what led to the founding of our nation and its tenuous early years.

In fact, as we have been transfixed by the pirate activities off the coast of Somalia, I cannot help but be reminded of the Barbary Pirates and their actions in North Africa back in the early 19th century. I won't go into the details of what happened back then. Just look it up... you know, Google it... and you'll be surprised how history comes around.

By the way, I still think it was cool that the Navy Seals took out three of them with three shots. Damn, they're good!

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