Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Maybe a little about my new business...

Perhaps I should at least share a few tidbits about my new company. The company, Don't Shoot the Messenger Communications Services, is a marketing and communications firm. OK, it's actually a one-man band, me, that is focused on providing copy writing services to small-to-medium-sized businesses.

How did I arrive at this new career?

It hearkens back to my days as a journalist. I had always enjoyed and was good at writing. So, when I left software sales, the thought occurred to me that starting my own business might not be such a bad idea. Being my own boss and doing something I enjoy doing made perfect sense to me.

Most importantly, it seemed there was a real need for good writing out in the marketplace. I had noticed through my years in sales that most "business writing" was long-winded, unimaginative and redundant. Why not take my journalistic skills and penchant for creativity and apply them to business writing?

So, despite the daunting economic conditions we are currently facing, I decided to press forward. Thus, Don't Shoot the Messenger Communications Services was born. My goal is for the company to provide everything from website content to corporate literature, including product literature and business profiles.

Much like my blog, Don't Shoot the Messenger Communications Services is a work in process. I'm still in the process of getting a business website set up, creating a company logo and printing business cards. But where there's a will there's a way.

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